Sunday, September 23, 2007

First Court hearing of the 3 Amirkabir imprisoned Students

The first hearing of court to examine charges facing Ehsan Mansouri, Majid Tavakoli, and Ahmad Ghassaban, the 3 AmirKabir university students, was held on 22 September by the 6th branch of the “revolutionary court”.

The session was not official and was held behind closed doors.

Mohammad Ali Dadkhah , the lawyer in charge of the case, told us after the court read out the students charges, they began their defense.

Mr.Dadkhah said there was no time for him to take the defense for his clients, and the defense procedure was postponed for a further seven days when the next session would commence.

Prior to this, Judge Haddad, deputy prosecutor on security of courts in Tehran had previously announced the students’ charges to be insulting Islamic sacred values. The students in return had rejected all charges against them including, publication of insulting articles against “Islamic holy values”, through a letter from Evin prison.

In this letter they had revealed that they were subjected to pressure and torture in 209 section of Evin prison, to confess to charges they do not accept.

The three students, Ehsan Mansouri, Majid Tavakoli, and Ahmad Ghassaban, have been held in 209 section of Evin prison for the past 4 and a half months.

Ahmad Gassaban, is the director of the student publication called “Sahar” and the first student nominee to take part in elections of the central committee of the AmirKabir student Association. He was arrested on 3 May 2007 , as he had approached the courts to deliver the students complaints of their University directorate, the Official news paper Keyahn and also Raja news site.
The next day, the second nominated student for the student elections , Majid Tavakoli , had to reside in court along with his other fellow students, Majid Sheikh pour and Pouyan Mahmoudian (directorates of student publications “Rivar” and “Sarkhat”).

On 22 May, security forces attacked Ehsan Mansouris’ house, and while creating fear and beating up Mr.Mansouris’ family members, fired shots, arrested and confiscated his belongings.

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